Modern Slavery

For Industry Professionals

The problem

Australian organisations are directly contributing to the risk of modern slavery, locally and internationally. The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (“the Act”) has given rise to a new area of compliance that asks large organisations to address and assess modern slavery risks in their supply chains and operations. Industry Professionals need skills training and assistance to meet the expectations of the Act.

This training is for you or your organisation if:

You need to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) as reporting entity.

You are part of a larger entity’s supply chain and operations to maintain your licence to operate in an emerging ESG reporting business landscape.
You are inspired to equip your staff on modern slavery risks and the positive impact they can make but need assistance and expertise.
You are voluntarily complying with the Act because you are committed to a real impact on modern slavery as part of your organisation’s ethos.
These 6 e-learning modules will help you understand what the MSA asks of you and to equip you with the tools to get moving.

Our promise

Unchained understands that addressing modern slavery is complex, which is why we have developed these modules. They will take you step-by-step through the reporting criteria of the Act, and to help you comply and become a leader in the space.
As a package, these modules will give you understanding of the language and expectations of the Act within each criterion and give you a solid foundation to start assessing and addressing modern slavery risks.
By the end of completing these six modules, you will be transformed from uncertainty into skilled and equipped professionals who understand how to address modern slavery risks, generate social impact and lead beyond compliance.

What do you get?

Access to six informative and practical e-learning modules that train professionals, whether that be a supplier, a procurement professional or company director. They will help you to understand the issue of modern slavery in supply chains and equip you to start assessing and addressing risk to your organisation. They leave you feeling inspired to make a difference in your organisation, sector and beyond.
These can be viewed as a package or stand alone to adapt to the user’s needs.

What’s included?


Case Studies


Practical PDF downloadable


Additional learning opportunities

Certificate of completion


Why trust us?

Values Driven

We are committed to integrity, trust and transparency, by providing good practice in assisting you in becoming a leader in addressing modern slavery.


Unchained has the lived-experience and expertise in sustainable procurement, analysis, governance, strategic thinking and team facilitation and training. Our directors have lived experience working with survivors of modern slavery through their work in a safehouse for trafficked women in Europe, and through doctoral research in human trafficking intervention. These all combine to create a team with real-life experience, education and leadership in their roles, resulting in these six robust modules.


Unchained has a turnkey solution to enable organisation to comply with the Act, and to lead beyond compliance. This has five solution areas: strategy, analysis, training, documents and research, and includes specific services such as an organisation gaps analysis, direct supplier risk assessment, policy portfolio development, impact measurement and supplier engagement workshops. All the expertise and solution areas we provide regularly have gone into developing these modules. We know what we are talking about, we know it works and we want to help you.

Overview of our 6 modules

You can purchase these modules as a package or individually.

Module 1: Engaging with the Issue of Modern Slavery

This e-learning module will engage your entire team with a solid understanding of the issue of modern slavery, what the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) is all about and how it impacts businesses. Additionally, the module provides practical steps to becoming a more conscious consumer. 

A$ 80

Module 2: Responsible Sourcing and Purchasing

This e-learning module will equip your team, especially procurement professionals, with the tools and knowledge to make an impact in your organisations supply chain through responsible and ethical sourcing. It will provide an overview of sustainable and ethical purchasing, introduce the importance of stakeholder governance, and inspire you to go beyond compliance.

A$ 80

Module 3: Identify and Manage Modern Slavery Risks

This module aims to equip the procurement team to identify and manage the risks of modern slavery in the supply chain. However, it is also designed so that any professional can use the information in this e-learning package to influence their place of work with ethical purchasing.  

A$ 80

Module 4: Developing Policies to Manage and Monitor Modern Slavery Risks

This e-learning module will help you create, develop, and improve internal policies to mitigate modern slavery risks in your business. Providing an in-depth exploration into five essential policies. Essentially, this modules aim is to help you understand that having robust internal policies can make an impact on modern slavery.

A$ 80

Module 5: Measuring the effectiveness of actions taken to address modern slavery

This module aims to guide your team on criterion 5 of the Act. It simplifies measurement effectiveness language and explains frameworks such as the theory of change and logic models, to best get you started on measuring the effectiveness of your organisations actions in addressing modern slavery risks. With the use of case studies and a bunch of templates, your team should know how to tackle Criterion 5 of the Act. 

A$ 80

Module 6: Taking the ethical implications of modern slavery risk beyond the process

This module equips you to be effective in doing due diligence in addressing modern slavery risks. Supply chain professionals need to build upon the foundation set in their initial categorisation and risk assessment work, which may rest on a theoretical understanding based on received data drawn from international sources. This module explores how to go beyond process in order to get to the specifics of where the risks of modern slavery exist through a stakeholder-based approach.

A$ 80

Get the 6 modules pack:

  • Module 1: Engaging with the Issue of Modern Slavery – A$ 80
  • Module 2: Responsible Sourcing and Purchasing – A$ 80
  • Module 3: Identify and Manage Modern Slavery Risks – A$ 80
  • Module 4: Developing Policies to Manage and Monitor Modern Slavery Risks – A$ 80
  • Module 5: Measuring the effectiveness of actions taken to address modern slavery – A$ 80
  • Module 6: Taking the ethical implications of modern slavery risk beyond the process – A$ 80

Total = A$480 per A$ 397

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