
Corporate Response to the Modern Slavery Act

Unchained team is committed to good practice and exploring ways to assist our clients to make an enduring and positive social impact on modern slavery. Our commitment is shown through the research we conduct on the Modern Slavery Statements registered with the Australian Border Force. Utilising our Modern Slavery Social Impact Measurement Tool, we assess modern slavery statements to see and compare how companies within each sector are working to effect change in their supply chains and operations.

PhD Research Partnership with Macquarie University on Modern Slavery

Unchained forged a research partnership with the Macquarie Business School which is part of Macquarie University in Sydney. As the School’s private company research partner, Unchained has been assigned a PhD candidate, Zairul, who assesses Modern Slavery Statements for Unchained to better understand the corporate response to the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).

Through Unchained’s clients, prospects, and corporate partners, Zairul is also conducting interviews with business leaders who have been instrumental in assessing the risk of modern slavery in the supply chains and operations of their business. Through this research, Unchained develops our own insight papers and thought leadership material to engage the business community with good practice in addressing modern slavery.

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